Milwaukee River Floodplains


Recent soil samples from the Milwaukee River floodplains indicate the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and heavy metals such as lead. The sampling area covers approximately four river miles on the east and west sides of the river between Estabrook Dam and the former North Avenue Dam. The floodplain is largely open to the public and contains walking trails as part of the Milwaukee River Greenway. Officials from federal, state, and local units of government are working together to ensure public health and safety and determine next steps for the ongoing river cleanup efforts.

Focused Feasibility Study Report

The Milwaukee River Floodplains Focused Feasibility Study presents the Recommended Alternative which includes areas to be dredged, capped and where habitat restoration will be performed. 

Milwaukee River Floodplains Overview Posters:

Floodplain 1; Floodplain 2; Floodplain 4; Floodplain 5; Floodplain 6; Floodplain 7; Floodplain 8 & 9; Floodplain 10; Floodplain 11

Partner Lead: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Status: Planning

Outcome: Cleaned-up Waterways

More Information: Sediment Fact Sheet, Floodplains Cleanup Fact Sheet, Floodplains FAQs, Floodplains Sampling Fact Sheet

Public Meeting Recordings: Cleaning Up the Milwaukee River Floodplains (November 2, 2023), Cleaning Up Our Toxic Legacy: Milwaukee River Greenway (May 9, 2022), Milwaukee River Floodplains & Your Health (December 13, 2021)

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Comments on sediment projects will be addressed in a FAQ document posted to this site which will be updated regularly.

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